Thursday, March 1, 2018

Draenor Pet Battle Master - TARALUNE


Today's blog is about how to beat TARALUNE ... one of the six Pet Battle Master Tamers in Draenor.

Taralune is the Talador area Tamer.

(I usually do in order of Ashlei, Vesharr, Taralune, Tarr, then hearth to my Garrison, heal pets for free, and then go do Cymre and last with Gargra. However if you are doing it via flight points w/o stopping at the Garrison, I switch Gargra and Cymre around)

To get to Taralune ....  I take a flight to the Talador flight point from the Spires of Arak flight point. Once there I get on my flying mount.  Her coordinates are 49.0, 80.4.  She's on a platform that comes out over the lower area of Retribution Point,

I usually get on a flying mount once we land.  I turn around and look out ...towards the building

Fly up and out, and turn right ......

In the distance you'll see some platforms sticking out from the upper area sticking out over the lower area...

Here is the one you want.....

 Once you get closer, you can see her....

If you have a ground mount - you turn towards the Sanctuary after you land, and then you go out and head right ....  you have to run down a little ways, 

Taralune has three moths.  Serendpity, Grace and Atonement.

So when you are picking out your CARRY PET for this ... you'll want to make sure that which ever battle pet you are looking to leveling up is over 800 health

My team, that I use is....
Slot 1: Chrominius with Arcane Blast, Ancient Blessing and Surge of Power
Slot 2: CARRY PET (or Elekk Plushie)
Slot 3: Sprite Darter Hatchling with Arcane Blast, (doesn't matter), and Moonfire
         (or Nether Faerie Dragon if you don't have a Sprite Darter Hatchling)

You will be up against 3 Moths! Serendipity, Grace, and Atonement ...

Serendipity (1546) *Flying
  • Feedback
  • Cocoon Strike
  • Counter Spell
Grace (1546) *Flying
  • Slicing Wind
  • Call Lightning
  • Moth Dust
Atonement (1546) *Flying
  • Alpha Strike
  • Nimbus
  • Moth Balls

Chrominius vs Serendipity

1. Arcane Explosion, will get blocked/Stunned
2. Arcane Explosion to break Cocoon
3. Ancient Blessing to heal up for the big hit
4. Arcane Explosion x2 for AoE damage
5. Pass so you don't break the cocoon
6. Ancient Blessing again to live longer
7. Surge of Power to finish off the moth

Chrominius will die to lightning storm, but thats fine, he soaked it for us.

SWAP to carry pet, then instantly switch to Nether Faerie Dragon (or if you are lucky enough to have a Sprite Darter Hatchling)

For when you are working on An Awfully Big Adventure, you put your Elekk Plushie in this spot.

Nether Faerie Dragon vs Grace

1. Moonfire to counter the lightning
2. Arcane Blast x1-2 to finish it (dragon buff its usually once)

Nether Faerie Dragon vs Atonement

1. Arcane Blast (if you gain dragon buff again this one wrecks him)
2. Moonfire

Once the fight is all done, you'll go from about a level 16 to about a level 20 ... 

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