Saturday, May 20, 2017

Draenor Pet Battle Master - ASHLEI


Today's blog is about how to beat ASHLEI ... one of the six Pet Battle Master Tamers in Draenor.  I think this is the EASIEST fight of the six of them.  

Ashlei is the Shadowmoon Valley area Tamer. 

(I usually do in order of Ashlei, Vesharr, Taralune, Tarr, then hearth to my Garrison, heal pets for free, and then go do Cymre and last with Gargra. However if you are doing it via flight points w/o stopping at the Garrison, I switch Gargra and Cymre around)

To get to Ashlei ....  I take a flight to the Embaari Village flight point in Shadowmoon Valley.  Once there I get on my Water Strider and go down the hill, across the water, and up the path to the hill she is on.  Her coordinates are 50.0, 31.3.  She's up on a hill - Saraah's Vale.

So some of these Trainers are harder to find, especially if you've never even seen them before.  So Ashlei is pretty easy, but at the same time, it can be kinda confusing.  So this is how I think of it....

I can fly in Draenor, but that may not be the case for you. 

So I land (at the flight master) and I get on my mount.  You see the Flight Master to the left, and the arrow is pointing in the direction you want to go.  You just follow the path.  

Once you see the hill start to angle down you can see the pond at the bottom of the hill ...  

So if you can fly, and you go up...  you see the pond, and the there is a hill in the distance, and that is where Ashlei is.  If you cannot fly, you can see how the path goes around the pond and there is a path that goes  between those buildings in the distance and the hill ... "Saraah's Vale" ... 

So if you have to go by ground, you can see how the trail kinda curves in the opposite direction.  So you have to go off the path and then find the sweet spot up the back side of the hill. 

Ashlei is a little Draenei girl, frankly she's adorable.

She has three pets with her (they all do.)  She has brought along the following... Pixiebell, a Fey Dragon, Doodle, an Elekk Plushie, and Tally who looks like one of the Young Silverpelts running around Shadowmoon Valley.

Pixiebell (1481) *Magic
  • Arcane Blast
  • Moonfire
  • Life Exchange
Doodle (1969) *Magic
  • Cute As A Button
  • Who's The Best Elekk In The Whole World?
  • Nap Time
Tally (1359) *Beast
  • Horn Gore
  • Stampede
  • Headbutt

Ashlei and her crew are really a SOLO PET BATTLE FIGHT.  But this is an AMAZING battle to level up a Pet from 1 to (usually) 11 or 12.  And I take along Chrominius because I use the same team for the 2nd battle in Draenor that I do (Vesharr) ...

The Carry Pet slot, you can throw YOUR Elekk Plushie in for your An Awfully Big Adventure achievement.

Slot One: Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
  1. Breath
  2. (either but I use) Thunderbolt
  3. Decoy
Slot Two: Chrominius (won't be needed)
  1. Arcane Explosion
  2. Ancient Blessing
  3. Surge of Power
Slot Three: Carry (can be lvl 1)  AND/OR Elekk Plushie for An Awfully Big Adventure

The fight is so crazy simple with the Dragonling it is pretty much a one pet strategy but you  gotta throw your CARRY pet .

FIGHT 1:  Pixiebell
With this fight, you throw out the Decoy, then Thunderbolt because you can, and then spam Breath until dead.
So I usually push the following - 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 (and Pixiebell should be dead). 

FIGHT 2: Doodle
The Plushie comes out for a few rounds.  Then Ashlei will switch it up, and at the end throw the Plushie back out.  You can either spam Breath, or you can throw out Thunderbolt when it comes back up off of cooldown, which is what I usually do.
So I push the following - 1, 2 and after I press 1 again, Ashlei switches out to Tally, and the Breath hits Tally instead of Doodle.

FIGHT 3: Tally
Like I just said, the last Breath from the last round will start out this round.  It only usually takes a few more spamming of Breath to take care of Tally.  Usually Decoy comes off of cooldown this round, but you don't need to use it again.
So I push - 1, 1, and usually Tally is dead.

FIGHT 4: Doodle (again)
Doodle comes back up after Tally is dead.  And since Doodle does ZERO damage what so ever to your pets, this is a WONDERFUL time to throw out your Carry Pet.  So as soon as Doodle comes out, I hit switch, and then select my Carry pet, do one attack on them (whatever 1 is) and then switch back to my Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling.  I then spam Breath.
So push - (sw-Ca), 1, (sw-MPD), 1, 1, 1, 1

And then you'll be done with the fight and your carry pet (in my case Trunks) will be a lvl 11.

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