Saturday, May 20, 2017

Still Need to Collect

(As of 5-13-17, updated on 5-20-17)

So I have 799 800 801 803 804 806 pets out of 900 901 916 ...

That leaves just 101 100 98 97  95 to go ... (so I'm not counting anything crossed out as of May 20, 2017)

Sadly, there are about ... 33 I don't think I can get anymore without the help of a time machine and/or E-bay and a stack of real dollah bill money I don't have....

So until I win the lottery ... and become H.G. Wells.... or the Doctor ...or even Marty McFly (and can go back in time)

(The list is below so I can cry every time I see it.  Warcraft Pets only calls 8 of them unavailable)

So .... I guess I'll focus on the ones I CAN get. About 68 I haven't collected. (As of 5-20-17 when I updated) (As of 6-16-17 there are still 72 with newly added pets)

There are FOUR Recruit-A-Friend Companions.... which I'm not sure how I will get...  cuz I had no friends.

They are...

Golden Pig
Jade Tiger
Silver Pig 
Zipao Tiger

Even though I can get these... I really can't *get* least not at the moment...

So that leaves 64 65 63 62 57 68.... these are ones that are listed, but not "counted" in the totals at the moment, they haven't been thrown in the game and sometimes things happen between PTR and the live game.

(No News At This Moment)


Squirky - PET BATTLE - Seabreak Isle in Azsuna (19, 20)  *Available on 5-23-17
15 New Pets Added on 6:13.17  <--- Check them out! 

So let's get down to it.......

Now there are Quests, Drops Vendor, Profession, World Events, Achievements, Pet Battles and/or Order Hall .....(some combined a few of the options.)

Additional Notes may be added...  (Q) = Quest, (D) = Drop,  (V) = Vendor,  (P) = Profession,  
(WE) = World Event, (Ach) = Achievement, (PB) = Pet Battle, (OH) = Order Hall
(AH) = Cageable and might be seen on the Auction House, (BMAH) - Black Market AH

So those ones I'm missing are via the following....


Thundering Serpent Hatchling:  [Unclaimed Black Market Container]

QUESTS...  (8 left)

Argent Gruntling (Horde)
Argent Squire (Alliance)
Crackers - "Fit for a Pirate" (110) Azsuna
Fel Pup - "A Fel Pup of My Own" (Defeat rare Ceraxas) Tanaan Jungle (100)
Gold Mini Jouster - "Egg Wave" (81) Mount Hyjal
Lashtail Hatchling - "An Old Friend" (85)  Zul'gurab
Mechanical Chicken - (a long quest-line) (35-48) The Hinterlands, Feralas, Tanaris, Booty Bay
Stardust - "A Celestial Invitation" The Storm Peaks (after getting Raiding with Leashes IV Ach) (GOT*5-19-2017)
Thistleleaf Adventurer - (AH) The Dreamweavers [110] Val'sharah  (D) Dreamweaver Provisions (got 6.6.17 AH 45k)

Wonderous Wisdomball - Enemies Everywhere [110]  Dalaran (Broken Isles)

DROPS    (12 left)

Ageless Bronze Drake - Deaths of Chromie Scenario - *New 6.13.17* (AH) (GOT 6.16.17)
Albino Buzzard - (pet battle master drop) (AH)  (GOT*5-26-17)
Blackfuse Bombling - (D-Siege of Orgrimmar) (AH) (*GOT*5-21-17)
Bloodgazer Hatchling - Orphaned Bloodgazer- Azsuna [1 in 1]
Bronze Proto-Whelp - Deaths of Chromie Scenario - *New 6.13.17* (AH) (GOT 6.16.17)
Direbeak Hatchling - "Orphaned Direbeak" Stormheim [1:1]
Droplet of Y'Shaar - (AH) Sha fo Pride - Siege of Orggimmar  [1:125]
Drudge Ghoul - (AH) The Lich King - Icecrown Citadel  (GOT*5-19-17)
Eye of Inquisition - Felsoul Inquisitor - Suramar
Gundrak Hatchling - (AH) Gundrak Raptor - Zul'Drak [73-77] - [1:1100] (GOT*5-13-17)
Hatespark the Tiny -(AH) (RARE around Anniversary Time) "Ragnaros the Firelord" Molten Core (GOT*5-15-2017)
Hyacinth Macaw - (AH) Northern Stranglethorn & Cape of Stranglethorn (GOT*5-14-17)
Knockoff Blingtron - (AH) Blingtron 6000 Gift Package
Lanticore Spawnling - (AH) Upper Black Rock Spires
Living Fluid - (AH) Throne of Thunder (LFR)
Nightmare Whelpling - (AH) Ysondre (110+)- The Emerald Nightmare
Orphanded Felbat - (AH) Legionfall Chest: Broken Shore  (GOT 6.6.17 AH=75K)
Sharptalon Hatchling - Orphaned Sharptalon [1:1] Val'sharah
Snobold Runt - (AH) Icehowl - Trial of the Crusader (GOT*5-15-17)
Snowfeather Hatchling - Orphaned Snowfeather: Highmountain [1:1]
Spinecalw Crab - (AH) Monstrous Spineclaw [90] Timeless Isle [1:58]
Sun Darter Hatchling - (AH) a cave in winterspring? *New 6.13.17*
Viscous Horror - (AH) Primordius [90+] - Throne of Thunder (Normal or Heroic) [1 in 83] (GOT*5-15-17)

ORDER HALL  (8 left)

Ban Fu, Cub of Ban-Lu: (Monk OH) 1000 Order Hall Resources (V) *New 6.13.17*
Bloodbrood Whelpling: (DK OH) 1000 Order Hall Resources (V)*New 6.13.17*
Broot (Druid OH) -fertilized dirt mound
Dig Rat - (Rogue OH) 10,000 Coins of Air (V) (AH) *New 6.13.17* (GOT 6.16.17)
Frostbrood Whelpling: (DK OH) 1000 Order Hall Resources (V)  *New 6.13.17*
Hateful Eye - (Demon Hunter OH, Warlock OH) - from Demon Boss
Nightmare Lasher - (Druid OH) - fertilized dirt mound
Sneaky Marmot - (Rogue OH) 10,000 Coins of Air (V) (AH) *New 6.13.17* (GOT 6.16.17)
Snowfang - Snowfang - The Maelstrom (Shaman OH) [1:1]
Vilebrood Whelpling: (DK OH) 1000 Order Hall Resources (V) *New 6.13.17*

VENDORS   (4 left)

Celestial Calf - 1,000,000 Gold - Dalaran-Broken Isles
Foe Reaper 0.9 - 1 Old Bottle Cap - Westfall/Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon *New 6.13.17*
Pocket Cannon - 3 Old Bottle Caps - Westfall/Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon *New 6.13.17*
Tricorne - 2 Old Bottle Cap - Westfall/Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon *New 6.13.17*

PROFESSION   (2 left)

Crawling Claw - Archaeology - Tol'vir (AH)
Trashy - Fishing - (V)  Conjurer Margoss - Best Friend  - Dalaran (BI) - 50 Drowned Mana
Wyrmy Tunkins - (AH) Archaeology - Demon - The Apocalypse Bringer [110] Dalaran (BI) (GOT*5-26-17)

WORLD EVENTS   (3 left)

Igneous Flameling: (WE) Midsummer Fire Festival (V) 350 Burning Blossoms *New 6.20.17*
Infinite Hatchling - Mists of Pandaria Timewalking - (V) Timeless Isles: 2200 Timewarped Badge
Paradox Spirit - Mists of Pandaria Timewalking - (V) Timeless Isles: 2200 Timewarped Badge

REPUTATION  (6 left)

Alliance Enthusiast - (PVP)
Clock'em -  Brawlers Guild - Rank 3  (V) 30 Silver
Dutiful Gruntling - (PVP) Horde
Dutiful Squire - (PVP) Alliance
Horde Fanatic - (PVP) Horde
Tylarr Gronnden - Brawlers Guild - Rank 3 (V) 500 gold

ACHIEVEMENTS   (12 left)

Deathwatch Hatchling - Guild Achievement
Guild Herald - Guild Achievement  (*GOT* Alliance side, not Horde side)
Guild Page - Guild Achievement  (*GOT* Alliance side, not Horde side)
Hopling - Pandaria Dungeon: Ling-Tings Herbal Journey (personal achievement)
Kirin Tor Familiar - Higher Learning (personal achievement)
Lagan - "Poor Unfortunate Souls" Legion Dungeon
Micronax - "Glory of the Tomb Raider" Dungeons & Raids *New 6.13.17*
Mining Monkey - "Pet Battle Challenge: Deadmines" (personal achievement) *New 6.13.17*
              ^^ (GOT*6-13-2017) ^^
Nightmare Treant - "Family Familiar" (big grind - personal achievement)
Pebble - Cataclysm "Rock Lover"  (personal achievement)
Perky Pug - (bane of my existence) "Looking for Multitudes" (LFD)  (personal achievement)
Race MiniZep - Darkmoon Faire "Big Rocketeer: Gold" (personal achievement)
Stunted Direhorn - "Brutal Pet Brawler"  (personal achievement)
Zoom - Zoom! - Legion (personal achievement) (GOT*5-18-2017)

PET-BATTLES   (4 left)

Crimsonwing Moth  (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Dream Whelpling - Defeat Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare (Spawns at the end of the RAID)
Elder Python  (Got May 13, 2017)
Electrified Razortooth (Got May 13, 2017)
Fluxfire Feline (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Qiraji Guardling (Summer) (July 2016)
Skywisp Moth (Got May 14, 2017)
Son of Animus (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Squirky (Got May 23, 2017)
Swamp Croaker (Got May 13, 2017)
Thundertail Flapper  (Got May 13,2017)
Wild Crimson Hatchling (The Jade Forest - Exalted w/ Order of the Cloud Serpent)
Wild Golden Hatchling (The Jade Forest - Exalted w/ Order of the Cloud Serpent)
Wild Jade Hatchling (The Jade Forest - Exalted w/ Order of the Cloud Serpent)

TRADING-CARDS   (8 left)
all available on in-game Auction House and/or Black Market AH

Bananas (Got 2016)
Dragon Kite
Ethereal Soul-Trader
Eye of the Legion
Gregarious Grell (Got May 2017)
Gusting Grimoire (Got May 2017)
Hippogryph Hatchling (Got May 2017)
Landro's Lichling
Landro's Lil' XT
Nightsaber Cub
Purple Puffer  (Got May 31, 2017 for 65k AH)
Rocket Chicken (Got March 2017)
Sand Scarab
Spectral Tiger Cub  (Got 2016)
Tuskarr Kite

Right Now Termed "UNATTAINABLE"   (33)
(BOLD Events - Termed No Longer Available via Warcraft Pets)

Baneling - StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Collector's Edition
Deathy - BlizzCon 2010
Essence of Competition - China PVP Event
Fetish Shaman - Diablo 3 Collector's Edition
Frosty - Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition
Grommioc - BlizzCon 2014
Grunty - BlizzCon 2009
Gurky - EU Fansite Promotion
Knight-Captain Murky - BlizzCon 2016
Legionnaire Murky - BlizzCon 2016
Lucky - World Wide Invitational 2007
Lurky - Burning Crusade Collectors Edition (EU Only)
Mini Diablo - World of Warcraft Collector's Edition
Mini Thor - StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition
Mini Tyrael - World Wide Invitational 2008
Murkablo - BlizzCon 2011
Murkalot - BlizzCon 2015
Murki - Koren Promotional Event
Murkidan - BlizzCon 2015
Murkimus the Gladiator - Arena Tournament
Murky - BlizzCon 2005
Netherwhelp - Burning Crusade Collector's Edition
Onyx Panther - Korea World Event
Panda Cub - World of Warcraft Collector's Edition
Poley - iCoke
Spectral Cub - 2012 Shanghai China World Championship
Spirit of Competition - Battleground Event
Tiny Green Dragon - iCoke China
Tiny Red Dragon - iCoke China
Treasure Goblin - Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition
Vampiric Batling - Scourge Invasion (WotLK launch event)
Zeradar - StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Collector's Edition
Zergling - World of Warcraft Collectors Edition

The 2016 LIST .... 
So I have 653 pets out of 764 ...

That leaves just over 100 to go (111) ...

Sadly, there are about ... 45 I don't think I can get anymore without the help of E-bay and a stack of real dollah bill money I don't have....

So until I win the lottery ...

I guess I'll focus on the ones I CAN get.  So ... about 65 I haven't collected. (As of 5-19-16)

There are FOUR Recruit-A-Friend Companions.... which I'm not sure how I will get...  cuz I had no friends.

They are...

Golden Pig
Jade Tiger
Silver Pig 
Zipao Tiger

Even though I can get these... I really can't *get* them.... I don't have friends... lol...

So that leaves 61 ....

Then there is Baby Winston, you get him when you get the Collector's Edition of Overwatch, which I want to get -  (Got Him)

Now ... 60 ...

There is a promotion through Heros of the Storm to get Graves.  Begged the boys to help me get this, but it hasn't happened yet. (Got Him)

Now there is 59 ....

Now there are Quests, Drops Vendor, Profession, World Events, Achievements & Pet Battles .....

So those 59 are via the following.... (May 2017, off list old list, I have 25-ish- to get still in May 2017)

QUESTS...  (6)

Argent Gruntling
Argent Squire
Fel Pup
Gold Mini Jouster
Lashtail Hatchling
Mechanical Chicken

DROPS    (18)

Blackfuse Bombling
Bonkers  (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Crimson Whelpling (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Droplet of Y'Shaar
Eye of Observation (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Gundrak Hatchling (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Hatespark the Tiny (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Hyacinth Macaw (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Jadefire Spirit (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Kovok (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Lanticore Spawnling
Living Fluid
Nethaera's Light (got 5-19)
Pygmy Cow   (got 5-20)
Pygmy Direhorn (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Seaborne Spore (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Spinecalw Crab
Viscous Horror (Check in May 2017, I have it)


Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji - Celestial Tournament (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen - Celestial Tournament (got 5-19)
Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon - Celestial Tournament
Zao, Calfling of Niuzao - Celestial Tournament
Clock'em - Lvl 4 Brawlers Guild
Darkmoon Balloon - the last Darkmoon Fair companion I need!
(Check in May 2017, I have it)


Crawling Claw - Archaeology - Tol'vir


Blazing Cindercrawler - Midsummer Fire Festival  (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Bush Chicken - Pilgrim's Bounty Drop (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Curious Wolvar Pup - Chidlren's Week  (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Wanderer's Festival Hatchling - Wanderer's Festival (Check in May 2017, I have it)


Deathwatch Hatchling - Guild Achievement
Guild Herald - Guild Achievement  *GOT*(Alliance side, not Horde side)
Guild Page - Guild Achievement  *GOT* (Alliance side, not Horde side)
Hogs - Darkmoon Faire (personal achievement) (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Hopling - Pandaria Dungeon (personal achievement)
Kirin Tor Familiar - Higher Learning (personal achievement)
Lil' Tarecgosa - Guild Achievement  * GOT 6-1-16
Pebble - Cataclysm (personal achievement)
Perky Pug - (bane of my existence)   (personal achievement)
Race MiniZep - Darkmoon Faire (personal achievement)
Stunted Direhorn - Battle  (personal achievement)
Trunks - Battle  (personal achievement) *GOT 6-2-16

BATTLES   (12)

Crimsonwing Moth  (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Elder Python  (Got May 2017)
Electrified Razortooth (Got May 13, 2017)
Fluxfire Feline (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Qiraji Guardling (Summer) (July 2016)
Skywisp Moth (Got May 14, 2017)
Son of Animus (Check in May 2017, I have it)
Swamp Croaker (Got May 13, 2017)
Thundertail Flapper  (Got May 13,2017)
Wild Crimson Hatchling
Wild Golden Hatchling
Wild Jade Hatchling

JUST FOR SHITS & GIGGLES ....  Here are the Trading Card Pets that you get if you are lucky enough to get a pet trading card in one of the decks that are out there.   SOMETIMES they show up on the in-game Auction House for horribly high amounts of gold in game.  Maybe someday I'll have enough gold ... (or someone will put it on the AH for cheap!)


Dragon Kite
Ethereal Soul-Trader
Eye of the Legion
Gregarious Grell
Gusting Grimoire
Hippogryph Hatchling
Landro's Lichling
Landro's Lil' XT
Nightsaber Cub
Purple Puffer
Rocket Chicken
Sand Scarab
Spectral Tiger Cub
Tuskarr Kite

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