Tuesday, May 23, 2017

NEW PET *SQUIRKY* Avaliable 5-23-17

I woke up this morning, in my sleepy still not fully awake stupor ..... looking at my WOW launcher, I see......

I always get excited when I see stuff like this ...

I clicked it ..... leading me to...  HERE

I was thinking ..... wait, isn't there a pet that was not available in game yet (on my list of pets I haven't gotten yet) named SQUIRKY ....  ???

I check, and sure enough.... IT IS ON MY LIST, as one of the six pets that were available on the PTR and not in the live game yet....  YESHHHHHHHHH ....  Now I'm totally engaged with finding out more..

I - at first - thought,  OH...with the plush, it must be like the other two plush/in-game pet combo things they had before, but nope.  This is just the plush....

AND there is the in-game-pet, completely not connected... well, I mean connected but not connected.... 

I dive into the research ... I search my favorite place for anything Battle Pet related, WarcraftPets(dot)com ....

(Click on the pic to go to the site it'self) 

Still as a "Coming Soon" pet....... hummmmm......

And then I dive in deeper into research...  and this is what I find....

Off the coast of Aszuna on Seabreek Isle (19,20), closest flight point (it seems) is Challiane's Terrace

So that's where I went, to that flight point, furthest north, and I went to the water and ran on the water (with my Water Strider mount.)  I got to the point where I was right across from the island and I could see it....

So I went out there (see my little toon icon on the map aboce, yep - right out there..... I thought, it's in the waters that will bring up FATIGUE and eventually kill your toon, but nope, the fatigue bar didn't even come up.

So I am sitting there.....

And I get closer...

And eventually, as I'm scouting the island (I literally went all around it to see if I could find one access point where there wasn't a ton of badies that were going to kill me),  but I see there is a SEA of 110 ELITE Murloc ALL OVER THE ISLAND and all around EVERY pet battle...  and I'm just a lonely squishy mage .... who's going to die....

(Re-plays the days of being a newbie in Goldshire at the Murloc camps where they do nothing but EAT YOUR FACE OFF) .... yep....  that happened....

But another toon came along and created an opening so I didn't get attacked by three million Murloc and die instantly. (but I did die) plus I have my Invisibility so I can use that and engage the fight and not get DEAD.  And that's exactly what I did, basically 3 times ...but I still died when I first ran up onto the island getting agroo'd by some lone sneaking freaking Murloc, and then I figured out the plan and yep - I got this!) ...

I used my Go-To Team ... 

Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
(1,2,2)  Breath, Thunderbolt, Decoy

Pandaren Water Spirit
(1,2,1) Water Jet, Dive, Whirlpool

(1,1,2) Bite, Howl, Surge

Even though the Howl Bomb was nerf'd at the expansion pre-launch ...  it's still my go-to-team.

This set-up beat all three Squirkys that I collected.  This is what I got ....

Two Whites and one Green - and I didn't TRY to get a blue or anything.  All of them are B/B (Balanced) ......  From what I've read, most people are getting mostly grey and white, I hadn't even seen anyone get a green before I did.  (in the comments I read) ..

But, Squirky is worth the blue stons!  S/he has the following attacks....

Top Row: Punch, Clobber, and For Adventure!
Bottom Row: Fish Slap, Stampede, and Bubble

I got a screenshot of Squirky doing For Adventure!  It's kinda cute!!  He blows a horn and it makes a horn sound!  Heehee...

Definitely cute.  Pretty easy to get, especially if you can kill several 110 Elites without getting dead.

Happy Hunting!!  If you've got anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment! 

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