Friday, April 28, 2017

* Dragons Lair Guild Rules ^

Being added here so that there is someplace for Guildies who don't have FB to be able to read the rules of the guild.

BACKGROUND: Bigdionysuis and Lunaeve started this guild as a “family only” guild. It contains our entire family. Dad (Big), Mom (Luna), K– oldest son (Dutchel, Shangpo, etc), S – Kale’s fiancĂ©e (Arliea, etc), J – (Feannia, Faennia, etc).... These are all Officers of the guild. They can clearly get a hold of Big and Luna at any time almost. This guild also includes our younger sons, our 15 year old Dolittle, our 9 year old Tator, and our 8 year old Bubba. Dolittle and Tator both have special needs. Dolittle was a 1lb 12oz preemie with an extremely rare Trisomy, who battles kidney issues, muscle and skeletal issues, and is on the spectrum (Aspergers) with sensory issues. Tator was a 3lb 4oz preemie who has growth disorder, brain malformations, he has a feeding tube, he is also on the spectrum (Autism) and has major sensory issues. (That is just the short version of their medical issues, we are really open – so if you have questions, ask! We enjoy teaching people about our children.)
We believe the game should be played for FUN – not for sport. We are not the type of leaders who harp on everyone. Even in raids, we don’t get mad if we wipe, it’s part of the game, part of learning how to run them, and is part of the fun. Everyone needs a place to learn how to play. If you get frustrated, take a break. Don’t take it out on other people. Constructive criticism is acceptable, “Hey Good’ol’boy, if you do this or cast this when this happens, it might help!” “Do you have the such-and-such spell? You may want to put it on your bar so you can cast it quickly!” … We don’t tolerate, “Good’ol’boy you are so stupid! YOU SUCK. Do this you idiot!” This behavior is what won’t be tolerated. We will give you a warning, but it may get you kicked from the guild. Be respectful, and kind – help each other, don’t bash the other players. Talk to people the way you want to be spoken to.
We are an OPEN guild. We accept all levels and all players. Ages don’t matter as long as you can be mature. Swearing isn’t frowned upon, but please realize that there are younger players in the guild, so don’t use it excessively. Or be aware of who the younger players are.
DO NOT be talking about personal drinking and drug use in the guild chat excessively. These are personal choices – not something everyone else wants to hear about. Especially drug use.
BASHING on special need community will not be tolerated in our guild. Referring to people as the *R* word will be addressed. We find the *R* word in any context very disrespectful.
Be Respectful and Kind to one another and other players, even if they are not in our guild. Unless it’s Gnomee.... he’s a good exception to the rule. He can give out just as good as he takes... ha ha ha ....
GOLD RESOURCES: If you are in need of some gold, we can help you come up with ideas on how to make gold or grind for gold. If you need gold for something in particular that will be a benefit to your toon – we may consider giving you a loan from the Guild Bank, but loans are expected to be paid back. If you are looking for a particular item that is overpriced in the AH or not easily gotten – please consider asking Guild Members for help – we have a lot of helpful guild members.
IF YOU CAN help out lower levels, please do so.
IF YOU CAN help out newbies to the game – PLEASE do so.
We have a MANDATORY Probation period for new players of 2 weeks.
Monthly Guild Raffle - where one to three items are raffled off to guild members. In order to enter the raffle - you have to send in game mail titled RAFFLE to LUNAEVE - 20 gold per ticket, 20 tickets can be bought total per toon. So 400 gold max to enter for 20 tickets per toon in the guild. All proceeds go to the Guild Bank for repairs. All Guildies can enter, no matter what level. You can enter up to max on each toon/alt in the guild.
** Note: If item up for raffle is a lvl 25 pet, and you win it - understand if you haven’t leveled one of your battle pets up to lvl 25 - you cannot learn it. You can only learn battle pets up to the max level that you have leveled a pet to. So say your max level pet is a 15, you can learn any pet level 15 and under.
Monthly Guild Lottery - In order to enter the Lottery - you have to send game mail titled LOTTERY to LUNAEVE - 20 gold per ticket, 20 tickets can be bought total per toon. So 400 gold max to enter for 20 tickets per toon in the guild. Lottery winner gets 70% of the total sent in by all guild members who entered for that lottery. 30% goes into the Guild Bank for Guild Repair Money. All Guildies can enter, no matter what level. You can enter up to max on each toon/alt in the guild.
·Be respectful of your guildies (and other players, unless you’re Gnomee.)
·It is YOUR responsibility to know the Guild Bank Rules (posted in another document. Same place you found this.)
·Don't beg for gold OR remove things from the guild bank to sell for gold.
·When offering items in guild chat, only offer for free / large discount for guildies. Otherwise just put it on the Auction House. (cost of mats is acceptable)
·When asking for items in guild chat, do not expect items to be free, free may happen but don’t expect it. Most likely you might need to pay for the mats ...
·Don't ask repeatedly for boosts through dungeons on your low-level toons.
·Try to put as much into the guild bank as you take out, otherwise the well will run dry. If you can’t because you don’t really know how to make gold, that’s fine. Ask and we’ll give you some tips on how to make gold!
·Try to return favors without being asked- e.g., if your low-level alt has been run through Deadmines, offer to return the favor when you can.
·Don't spam Trade Chat with stupid remarks, as it reflects badly on the guild.
·Don't be a jerk to non-guildies, as it reflects badly on the guild.
·No withdrawls from the guild bank until your probation has finished / until 2 weeks has passed. Gold can only be withdrawn by Big & Luna with approval of the officers for large loans.
·the RAID LEADER(s) are in control of the raid. Let them run it their way. Listen to how THEY want the boss fight done. If it does not work their way, and you have a suggestion, please speak up while rezzing/healing or the time between bosses. Suggestions are welcome, but not during a Boss fight
·You can talk about whatever while killing trash, but during Boss Fights – please do not talk – just listen to Raid Leader.
·DO NOT BE DISRESPECTFUL to people in your raid. Do not ASSUME everyone knows everything. Some people may only be learning and need extra patients.
·Always log on & be ready at least 15 minutes prior to raid time.
·Always have required number of flasks / potions / etc. – being prepared is highly suggested.
·DO NOT NEED EVERYTHING. If you can use it because it is an improved armor piece, NEED. If you want it for Transmog, NEED. If it’s a companion/mount you do not have – NEED! All other reasons are more a GREED situation.
·IF someone gets something you really want, do not hesitate to ask. It never hurts to ask, the worst thing that could happen is them saying no.
·Do not roll on items that you will not use in order to pass to a friend.
·Make sure all gear is enchanted & gemmed appropriately prior to raid. (If you need help doing so, please ask!)
·Make sure you have DISCORD installed and working prior to raid. Information can be found on the guild info page also. You do NOT have to talk, but it helps so you can listen.
·When healing, always make sure you heal teammates as needed - don’t focus on one person unless told to.
·IF YOU ARE NOT THE TANK – DO NOT PULL CRAP. Let the TANK do his JOB. IF YOU DO PULL CRAP … do not complain if you die. It’s your fault for pulling when other people are not ready.
·Always have gear enchanted & gemmed appropriately. (If you need help, PLEASE ASK)
·Make sure you have DISCORD installed and working. Information can be found on the guild info page also. You do NOT have to talk, but it helps so you can listen.
·When grouped for BGs with other guildies, decide who is group leader, and follow commands accordingly.
·When healing, always make sure you heal teammates as needed.

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