Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Katy Stampwhistle Mailbox Toy & the Mailemental Battle Pet

Okay .....  this quest line is both a lot of FUN and super FRUSTRATING!

I spent most of my evening and an hour or two this morning trying to get this quest line done to not only get my Katy Stampwhistle Mailbox Toy .... cuz let's face it, who couldn't use a mobile mailbox??? ....  and my Mailemental Battle Pet because..... honestly ....  I'm obsessed with Battle Pets....  it's my THANG... ew, where did  that come from.....


I subscribe to a few Battle Pet YouTubers ..... but I adore HazelNuttyGames ... She has a YouTube I will add at the bottom you can watch.  I look at her videos first ...  so most of my pet teams is from her suggestions - or a combo of hers and other peoples depending what I found that worked for me. 

I had also looked it up on WOWHEAD ....   Lost Mail Quest Line

Basically - to start out the quest, you camp ONE PARTICULAR mailbox in the NEW Dalaran (Broken Shores) ....  it's the one right outside the The Violet Citadel, at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the building.  The "LOST MAIL" can be found on the ground.  The spawn for it reappearing is thought to be around every 3 hours.  But it only shows up at that mailbox, just that one.  So you will probably find people camped, waiting, and then it's like Black Friday when it appears.  Toons punching each other, feet in faces, the cows, holy moly ...  they hit like a ton of bricks!!  But the undead are easy to break.  Just saying....

There is two OTHER  ways to get a "Lost Mail" also .....

1: You can buy it off the AH ....  This is what I did ... because I got tired of camping for it and got crushed by too many cows....

I actually got mine for 26K last night.  (this is on Uther/Runtotem)

2: When someone completes the quest (completing up through the SHORT Game) ...  they then get the Katy Steamwhistle Toy (your new portable mailbox!) ...  and you also get a "Lost Letter" (the pet you don't get until you do the LONG game, 30 letters in a minute) ...  now you might wonder, what the hell you are going to do with that damn letter when you just finished the quest line, butttttt.....  If you like someone, like if they are your friend, and you know that they need it too, you can wave it around in their faces .... and tell them to start sucking up to you ... and you might share.  OR ... you can post it on the AH for a little extra cash.  Now, when this first became available I saw the "Lost Mail" up on the AH for over 100K ... now I got mine for 26K ... so depending on your market, you could make a few copper anyway ...  So your new "Lost Letter" is to share or sell... 

I already sent mine to my husband.... because, well....  if I didn't I might end up with divorce papers even though he told me to go ahead and post it on the AH <--- it was a trick.  

Once you got the "Lost Mail" ... your first stop is the Black Market Auction House Lady (Madam Goya) down in Dalaran Underbelly ...  after you do all that, you go visit the mailbox, because the next part of  your quest goes there (you don't get anything from Madam Goya)...

So go to your mailbox and pick up your next step.  Then you go to the Dalaran Mail Room....

So this is the ONE and ONLY mailbox....   see the grassy knoll there.... well, you walk that way and about where the dragon is (up in the air) ... is about where you want to go (but on the ground)

So you keep walking .... through the graveyard.....  

And when you come to the Pet Cemetery (watch out for lil Gage!  You never know!!) .... anyway, look to the right....

You'll see this tube that comes up out of the ground.  (See the post above where I wrote Pet Cemetery... that's part of the gate around the Pet Cemetery) ...

.... so you click on the tube and you are magically dropped into the Mail Room!

When you get in there, it's kinda Harry Potter like... which  makes me squeel like a fangirl ... cuz I'm weird.... 

 Dude has a lot of "lost" gold....  ummmmmhummmm ... just sayin..... 

and when I saw Pepe!!!
Yeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D

So first you bop around the room clicking on the flying envelopes....  super easy.

Then you are told to get a bag of solid stone (which is in the Mail Room, sparkling) ...  and you need to (click on) the bag of soild stone (which makes you move like you are walking through molasses) and you gotta go toss it through a portal.

So you click on the tube to exit.  It doesn't matter if you mount up or what you do, you won't move faster.  Anyway - once you get back out to the ONE AND ONLY mailbox ...  heehee....  you hang a left.  I literally went the entire circle ... so you hang a left at the mailbox and you run all the way down to that ...  what is it, I think ... a bank right?   Anyway .... you run all the way down to the end of the line, and then when you get into the little courtyard, you'll see the gate to the left ... and once you get up to it, you'll see a little stone button appear on the bottom of your screen and you just click on it, and the bag will be sucked into the portal....

Then you run back to the Mail Room....

Then you are sent to get "forgotten loot" from Lord Voldemort ..er ....  The Lich King ... basically you get Invincible's reins .... BUT NOT TO KEEP ... I know I know...  BUT WAIT ....  I had a dumbass moment.... I went and ported my damn self to that area, and went and fully ran ICC .. dumb ass....  so don't do that.  WAIT A DAMN MINUTE because Katy Stampwhistle ... Postman Apprentice Extraordinaire... will open a portal directly to an already dead Lich King.... so you go loot him, while fighting two dumb badies ....and then one more big badie ... KILL ALL THREE .. it's part of the quest ...

Then if you know a mage, make nice and offer cookies, and see if they'll port you to Theramore, and then catch the flight path down to Feralas

After a little bit of back and forth, Johnny wants you to go pay respects to his horse....   So that sends you into Eastern Kingdoms....

So once you click on Mimiron's Head, you can head back to the Mail Room ....

Once you are back in the Mail Room you have to play a mini-game of the mail sorting variety ...

You need to get 15 pieces of mail, correctly in the tube of the continent the zone and town are in.

 You get the zone and town on this round.... and you need to get 15 in one minute ....

Once you complete the short game, you get some goodies.... you get the Katy Stampwhistle Toy and a "Lost Letter" to share/sell.

 Katy Stampwhistle, The Postmaster's Assistant ....  and Katy Stampwhistle the (faded) Toy!

In order to get the Mailemental Battle Pet ... you have to continue and play the LONG game....

This time you only get the town (not the zone) ... and you have to get 30 in one minute.  Yep, that's right!!  You barely got 15 before, it took you a few tries?   Yeah, well .... good luck!  It took me several hours.

I did do the WeakAuras thing...but it does't help that much.  If you are looking at the cities, you won't have enough time to get 30 of them... it helped in the sense that it helped me learn the cities.  So after 400 some hours .... nah, I did it for several hours last night, and then about an hour this morning.  But I wrote them down several times in hopes that my brain would retain something....

There is a code out for WeakAura (WeakAura2) ...  we couldn't get it to work,but my husband did.  There is another in the comments that DID work for me, but it has a lot of blank spaces (you'll see what I mean if you use it) ... 

But in order for me to learn the towns, I had to write the lists down a couple of times.  In the code that works, there are some abbreviations and misspellings .... just a warning ... 

HERE IS THE LIST - each continent has 10 cities

* Astranaar
* (the) Crossroads
* Everlook
* Feathermoon Stronghold
* Gadgetzan
* Lor'danel
* Nighthaven
* Nordrassil
* Ramkahen
* Winterwind Grove

* Aerie Peak
* Booty Bay
* Brill
* Goldshire
* Kharanos
* Menethil Harbor
* Stonard
* Sentinel Hill
* Transquillien
* Tarren Mill

* Allerian Stronghold
* Area 52
* Altar of Sha'tar
* Cenarion Refuge
* Cosmawrench
* Garadar
* Honor Hold
* Sylvanaar
* Thrallmar
* Zabra'jin

 * Argent Stand
* Conquest Hold
* Camp Oneqwah
* Frosthold
* Kamagua
* Moa'ki Harbor
* Nesingwary Base Camp
* Vallance Keep
* Warsong Hold
* Wyrmest Temple

* Dawn's Blossom
* Halfhill
* Klaxxi'vess
* Longying Outpost
* Lion's Landing
* One Keg
* Soggy's Gemble
* Tian Monastery
* Thunder Cleft
* Zouchin Village

* Azurewing Repose
* Brandensbrook
* Deliverance Point
* Greywatch
* Loriathil
* Meredil
* Skyhorn
* Shackle's Den
* Thunder Totem
* Valdisdall

I am adding the list alphabetically - also - at the bottom of the blog.   So not to be confused with this one... 

 But I eventually got the little Mailemental bastard....

Here is the link to the WeakAura's code:  CLICK HERE


Aerie Peak - Eastern Kingdoms
Allerian Stronghold - Outland
Altar of Sha'tar - Outland
Area 52 - Outland
Astranaar - Kalimdor
Azurewing Repose - Broken Isles
Booty Bay - Eastern Kingdoms
Bradensbrook - Broken Isles
Brill - Eastern Kingdoms
Camp Oneqwah - Northrend
Cenarion Refuge - Outland
Conquest hold - Northrend
Cosmowrench - Outland
Dawn's Blossom - Pandaria
Deliverance Point - Broken Isles
Everlook - Kalimdor
Feathermoon Stronghold - Kalimdor
Frosthold - Northrend
Gadgetzan - Kalimdor
Garadar - Outland
Goldshire - Eastern Kingdoms
Greywatch - Broken Isles
Halfhill - Pandaria
Honor Hold - Outland
Kamagua - Northrend
Kharanos - Eastern Kingdoms
Klaxxi'vess - Pandaria
Lion's Landing - Pandaria
Longying Outpost - Pandaria
Lor'danel - Kalimdor
Lorlathil - Broken Isles
Menethil Harbor - Eastern Kingdoms
Meredil - Broken Isles
Moa'Kai Harbour - Northrend
Nessingwary Base Camp - Northrend
Nighthaven - Kalimdor
Nordrassil - Kalimdor
One Keg - Pandaria
Ramkahen - Kalimdor
Sentinel Hill - Eastern Kingdoms
Shackle's Den - Broken Isles
Skyhorn - Broken Isles
Soggy's Gamble - Pandaria
Stonard - Eastern Kingdoms
Sylvanaar - Outland
Tarren Mill - Eastern Kingdoms
The Argent Stand - Northrend
The Crossroads - Kalimdor
Thrallmar - Outland
Thunder Cleft - Pandaria
Thunder Totem - Broken Isles
Tian Monastery - Pandaria
Tranquillen - Eastern Kingdoms
Valdisdall - Broken Isles
Valiance keep - Northrend
Warsong Hold Northrend
Whisperwind Grove - Kalimdor
Wyrmrest Temple - Northrend
Zabra'jin - Outland
Zouchin Village - Pandaria

Friday, February 23, 2018

2018 ~ Gotta Catch Them All (updated STILL NEED list)

Okay, so I haven't been on this blog lately and it's kinda fallen out to the "way side"... but I'm trying to be better - and actually get this stuff done.  So I'm starting with a new updated list of what I don't have yet .... Here is the 2016/2017 Collection List

(Updated 2-23-18)  *LAST UPDATED* 2-27-18

So I have 846 845 842 pets out of 963

That leaves just 117 116 113 that I don't have ... 

Sadly, there are about ... 33 I don't think I can get anymore without the help of a time machine and/or E-bay and a stack of real dollah bill money I don't have....

So until I win the lottery ... and become H.G. Wells.... or the Doctor ...or even Marty McFly (and can go back in time)

(The list is below so I can cry every time I see it.  Warcraft Pets only calls 8 of them unavailable)

So .... I guess I'll focus on the ones I CAN get. About 84 83 80 I haven't collected.

There are FOUR Recruit-A-Friend Companions.... which I'm not sure how I will get...  cuz I had no friends.

They are...

Golden Pig
Jade Tiger
Silver Pig 
Zipao Tiger

Even though I can get these... I really can't *get* them....at least not at the moment...

So that leaves 80 79.... these are ones that are listed, but not "counted" in the totals at the moment, they haven't been thrown in the game and sometimes things happen between PTR and the live game.

(No News At This Moment)

So let's get down to it.......

Now there are Quests, Drops, Vendor, Profession, World Events, Achievements, Pet Battles and/or Order Hall .....(some combined a few of the options.)

Additional Notes may be added...  (Q) = Quest, (D) = Drop,  (V) = Vendor,  (P) = Profession,  
(WE) = World Event, (Ach) = Achievement, (PB) = Pet Battle, (OH) = Order Hall
(AH) = Cageable and might be seen on the Auction House, (BMAH) - Black Market AH

So those ones I'm missing are via the following....

Thundering Serpent Hatchling:  [Unclaimed Black Market Container]

QUESTS...  (8 left)
Argent Gruntling (Horde)
Argent Squire (Alliance)
Crackers - "Fit for a Pirate" (110) Azsuna
Fel Pup - "A Fel Pup of My Own" (Defeat rare Ceraxas) Tanaan Jungle (100)
Gold Mini Jouster - "Egg Wave" (81) Mount Hyjal
Lashtail Hatchling - "An Old Friend" (85)  Zul'gurab
Mechanical Chicken - (a long quest-line) (35-48) The Hinterlands, Feralas, Tanaris, Booty Bay
Mining Monkey - Pet Battle Challenge: Deadmines (first time you complete it) (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Wonderous Wisdomball - Enemies Everywhere [110]  Dalaran (Broken Isles)

STORE... (0 left)
Shadow - Store (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Tottie - Deluxe Battle of Azeroth Expansion (available for pre-sale now) (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Twilight - Store (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)

DROPS    (11 left)
Bloodgazer Hatchling - Orphaned Bloodgazer- Azsuna [1 in 1] can only be obtained when the Broken Isles World Quest "Bloodgazer Swarm!" is active
Direbeak Hatchling - "Orphaned Direbeak" Stormheim [1:1]
Droplet of Y'Shaar - (AH) Sha fo Pride - Siege of Orggimmar  [1:125]
Docile Skyfin - Fel-Spotted Egg (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Eye of Inquisition - Felsoul Inquisitor - Suramar (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Fel-Afflicted Skyfin - Fel-Spotted Egg (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Grasping Manifestation - Ataxon on Mac'Aree (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Knockoff Blingtron - (AH) Blingtron 6000 Gift Package
Lanticore Spawnling - (AH) Upper Black Rock Spires
Living Fluid - (AH) Throne of Thunder (LFR)
Nightmare Whelpling - (AH) Ysondre (110+)- The Emerald Nightmare (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Rebellious Imp - (AH) Mother Rosula [110] Antoran Wastes
Sharptalon Hatchling - Orphaned Sharptalon [1:1] Val'sharah
Snowfeather Hatchling - Orphaned Snowfeather: Highmountain [1:1]
Spinecalw Crab - (AH) Monstrous Spineclaw [90] Timeless Isle [1:58]
Sun Darter Hatchling - (AH) a cave in winterspring?(CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Uuna - The Many-Faced Devourer [110] Antoran Wastes (steps to get her)

ORDER HALL  (8 left)
Ban Fu, Cub of Ban-Lu: (Monk OH) 1000 Order Hall Resources (V)
Bloodbrood Whelpling: (DK OH) 1000 Order Hall Resources (V)
Broot (Druid OH) -fertilized dirt mound
Frostbrood Whelpling: (DK OH) 1000 Order Hall Resources (V) 
Hateful Eye - (Demon Hunter OH, Warlock OH) - from Demon Boss
Nightmare Lasher - (Druid OH) - fertilized dirt mound
Snowfang - Snowfang - The Maelstrom (Shaman OH) [1:1]
Vilebrood Whelpling: (DK OH) 1000 Order Hall Resources (V)

VENDORS   (2 left)
Celestial Calf - 1,000,000 Gold - Dalaran-Broken Isles
Foe Reaper 0.9 - 1 Old Bottle Cap - Westfall/Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Pocket Cannon - 3 Old Bottle Caps - Westfall/Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Tricorne - 2 Old Bottle Cap - Westfall/Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Cross Gazer - (V) Orix the All-Seer - Antoran Wastes (1000 Intact Demon Eyes)

PROFESSION   (3 left)
Crawling Claw - Archaeology - Tol'vir (AH)
Fossorial Bile Larva - Skinning
Fel Lasher - Herbalism
Trashy - Fishing - (V)  Conjurer Margoss - Best Friend  - Dalaran (BI) - 50 Drowned Mana

WORLD EVENTS   (2 left)
Igneous Flameling: (WE) Midsummer Fire Festival (V) 350 Burning Blossoms (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Infinite Hatchling - Mists of Pandaria Timewalking - (V) Timeless Isles: 2200 Timewarped Badge
Paradox Spirit - Mists of Pandaria Timewalking - (V) Timeless Isles: 2200 Timewarped Badge

REPUTATION  (7 left)
Alliance Enthusiast - (PVP)
Clock'em -  Brawlers Guild - Rank 3  (V) 30 Silver
Dutiful Gruntling - (PVP) Horde
Dutiful Squire - (PVP) Alliance
Horde Fanatic - (PVP) Horde
Orphaned Marsuul - Toraan the Revered - Argus - Honored with Argussin Reach (500 Gold)
Tylarr Gronnden - Brawlers Guild - Rank 3 (V) 500 gold

ACHIEVEMENTS   (13 left)
Amalgm of Destruction - Raiding with Leashes V: Cuteaclysm (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Deathwatch Hatchling - Guild Achievement
Guild Herald - Guild Achievement  (*GOT* Alliance side, not Horde side)
Guild Page - Guild Achievement  (*GOT* Alliance side, not Horde side)
Felclaw Marsuul - Family Fighter  (personal achievement)
Hopling - Pandaria Dungeon: Ling-Tings Herbal Journey (personal achievement)
Kirin Tor Familiar - Higher Learning (personal achievement)
Lagan - "Poor Unfortunate Souls" Legion Dungeon
Mailemental - "Post Haste" Legion To earn this pet, players must first complete a quest chain that involves delivering mail, starting with the quest "Lost Mail". This quest can be obtained by looting a BoP letter on the ground next to a mailbox in Dalaran (Broken Isles). (*GOT* 2-27-18)
Micronax - "Glory of the Tomb Raider" Dungeons & Raids
Nightmare Treant - "Family Familiar" (big grind - personal achievement)
Pebble - Cataclysm "Rock Lover"  (personal achievement)
Perky Pug - (bane of my existence) "Looking for Multitudes" (LFD)  (personal achievement)
Race MiniZep - Darkmoon Faire "Big Rocketeer: Gold" (personal achievement)
Stunted Direhorn - "Brutal Pet Brawler"  (personal achievement)

PET-BATTLES   (16 13 left)
Antoran Bile Larva: [25] Antoran Wastes
Antoran Bilescourge [25] Antoran Wastes
Arcane Gorgeer [25] Mac'Aree
Bile Larva [25] Krokuun (*GOT* 3-13-18)
Bilescourge [25] Krokuun (*GOT* 3-13-18)
Dream Whelpling - Defeat Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare (Spawns at the end of the RAID)
Felcrazed Wyrm - [25] Mac'Aree
Flickering Argunite - [25] Krokuun (*GOT* 3-13-18)
Globe Yeti - Ironforge - Winter Vale  (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Pygmy Marsull - [25] Mar'Aree
Skyfin Juvenile [25] Mac'Aree
Void Shardling - [25] Mac'Aree
Voidstalker Runt - [25] Mac'Aree
Warpstalker Runt - [25] Mac'Aree
Wild Crimson Hatchling (The Jade Forest - Exalted w/ Order of the Cloud Serpent)
Wild Golden Hatchling (The Jade Forest - Exalted w/ Order of the Cloud Serpent)
Wild Jade Hatchling (The Jade Forest - Exalted w/ Order of the Cloud Serpent)

TRADING-CARDS   (6 left)
all available on in-game Auction House and/or Black Market AH

Dragon Kite (AH)
Ethereal Soul-Trader (AH)
Eye of the Legion (AH)
Landro's Lichling (AH)
Landro's Lil' XT  (AH) (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Nightsaber Cub (AH) (CHECKED *HAVE* 2-23-18)
Sand Scarab (AH)
Tuskarr Kite (AH)
Right Now Termed "UNATTAINABLE"   (33)
(BOLD Events - Termed No Longer Available via Warcraft Pets)

Baneling - StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Collector's Edition
Deathy - BlizzCon 2010
Essence of Competition - China PVP Event
Fetish Shaman - Diablo 3 Collector's Edition
Frosty - Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition
Grommioc - BlizzCon 2014
Grunty - BlizzCon 2009
Gurky - EU Fansite Promotion
Knight-Captain Murky - BlizzCon 2016
Legionnaire Murky - BlizzCon 2016
Lucky - World Wide Invitational 2007
Lurky - Burning Crusade Collectors Edition (EU Only)
Mini Diablo - World of Warcraft Collector's Edition
Mini Thor - StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition
Mini Tyrael - World Wide Invitational 2008
Murkablo - BlizzCon 2011
Murkalot - BlizzCon 2015
Murki - Koren Promotional Event
Murkidan - BlizzCon 2015
Murkimus the Gladiator - Arena Tournament
Murky - BlizzCon 2005
Netherwhelp - Burning Crusade Collector's Edition
Onyx Panther - Korea World Event
Panda Cub - World of Warcraft Collector's Edition
Poley - iCoke
Spectral Cub - 2012 Shanghai China Battle.net World Championship
Spirit of Competition - Battleground Event
Tiny Green Dragon - iCoke China
Tiny Red Dragon - iCoke China
Treasure Goblin - Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition
Vampiric Batling - Scourge Invasion (WotLK launch event)
Zeradar - StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Collector's Edition
Zergling - World of Warcraft Collectors Edition